Bollywood Actress Anushka Sharma was born in Bangalore, but her parents are from Uttarakhand. Anushka Sharma father, Col. Ajay Kumar Sharma in Indian army, is an army officer and her mother Ashima Sharma is a housewife. Anushka Sharma big brother named Karnesh and he was a state-level cricketer and he is now in the Merchant Navy India. Hot Anushka Sharma studied in the very famous Army School and graduated with specialization in Arts from Mount Carmel College, Bangalore India. Anushka then moved to Mumbai to further her modeling career and now she is a beautiful Actress of Bollywood and see some beautiful Pictures Gallery of her.
October 10, 2012 at 3:22 AM
Such a great collection of anshka's photos. She look so wonderful in all posters. She perform in different stories movies and she is very talented.
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